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McEntire Joint National Guard Base


From:          Dotson, Michael LtCol USAF ANG 169 CES/CES/CC

Sent:           Sunday, November 21, 2010 11:58 AM

To:              This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it ; This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

CC:              Fleischer, Gareth Capt USAF ANG 169 CES/CECC

Subject:       Concrete Paving


Brian and Wayne, I want you 2 know that we have been witness to a huge difference in the quality of split form paving by Summers Concrete and-------------is doing the alert area apron paving.


Without question, you folks are far superior in your workmanship, skill, management and equipment condition and I wanted you to know that.


I have come to increasingly appreciate what you have accomplished for McEntire. No airfield project is easy working around tight schedules, much less trying to make a profit in the current economic climate, but as we get near to completions, I hope Summers will remember McEntire as a positive experience and consider doing work for us in the future. I am grateful for the high quality work you have done and continue to do for us.



Commander/Base Civil Engineer

169th, Civil Engineer Squadron

McEntire Joint National Guard Base

South Carolina Air National Guard

DNS 583-8606 Comm (803)647-8606

Department of the Navy Letter of Appreciation. click to view



"In my 38 years as a consulting engineer involved in the design and construction of airport facilities, I have never worked with a contractor that was more cooperative and consciences than Summers Concrete. They performed their work on time and within budget. The quality of their workmanship is without a doubt the best that I have ever encountered and is most likely the best in the industry.”

William R. Pearson
Pearson Engineering


“For the record- this contractor was the best airfield pavement contractor I’ve worked with in my career – we hauled over 600 loads across the primary parallel taxilane with no FOD incidents or interference with any aircraft. The construction phase/safety plan was complied with – or in most cases –exceeded – the entire project…”

MSGT. Mike Kossover
Airfileld Manager

“Not only was this project completed months ahead of schedule, you exceeded every stipulation in the airfield construction safety plan and completed the job with absolutely no impact on my flying operations!......you are a group of true professionals and the methods you used to execute this project were outstanding!”

Robert J. Beletic
Colonel, U.S.A.F

“Summers consistently went the “extra mile” to work through a rainy Fall season to complete the project as expeditiously as possible. The quality of their workmanship is second to none.”

Mark A. Waller, P.E.
Airport Engineer

The Southwest Georgia Regional Airport acknowledges the high caliber and excellent quality craftsmanship of Summers Concrete Contracting, Inc., and therefore recommends said company to all agencies requesting such references.”

Mr. Barry Taylor
Aviation Commission Chairperson

“I dealt with Summers Concrete Contracting, Inc. on a daily basis….., in an active airfield environment. Summers Concrete Contracting, Inc. set up an on-site concrete plant. Their concrete paving work exceeded our expectations. We found them to be extremely qualified for this type of project and look forward to working with them again.”

Jim White
Project Representative
The LPA Group Incorporated

“Summers Concrete did an excellent job for us.”

Oliver Gills
Contracting Officer
USPFO for Georgia